Virtual Flu Shot

Every year many people get the cold or flu which causes a lot of pain and suffering.  What if you can almost eliminate cold's and flu complete from your life? We have used the powerful Neuro Patterning technology in order to develop an exciting new product that will move you another step on the journey to health.

The Virtual Flu Shot consist of 2 recordings, the first one deals with the actual physical aspects of a cold or flu and delves into the body processes related to a cold or flu.  The second recording goes into the actual working with the subconscious mind in order to have it work for you 24x7 to protect you from colds.  Together these recordings can radically change your health. 

Virtual Flu Shot - 45min

How we do it?

Central to the system is the Neuro Patterning Recordings that puts your brain into Aplha state, it is this state where you are the most receptive to building new habits, building new skills. In 20 minutes a day, these state of the art recordings, help you teach your mind and body to resist the cold and flu. 

You will feel empowered and in control of your health, which allows you to reach your full potential. Click "Purchase" below and start protecting yourself from flus and colds now!

Virtual Flu Shot - 45min