The Neuro Body System
The Neuro Body System helps people achieve their goals naturally, effortlessly and automagically through harnessing the power of their minds and brains. Whether you want to lose weight, increase your ability to focus, be pain free without drugs, deal with negative emotions, we can help you. We use Neuro Patterning invented by founder Randall Ausenhaus to train and condition your brain for success. These techniques have been tested by monitoring the brain waves of our clients. Work with us and we will guarantee that you can achieve your wildest dreams.
Randall Ausenhus
Pain Control, Weight Management, Obesity Counselling, Medical Hypnotherapy and Addiction Counselling. 
My name is Randall Ausenhus and I have spent the last 20 years studying the human mind to better understand how we can achieve incredible results and remove anything that is stopping us. Over the years, I have worked with many clients to assist them to make major, positive changes in their lives. Those changes include weight loss, quitting smoking, removing fears and phobias, language and speech improvements, accelerated learning from languages to driving a car, and even physical healing such as chronic pain, frozen shoulder, urinary infections, hearing loss, and many more. I have condensed all this knowledge into a system called Neuro Patterning and I have combined it with various other modalities to bring you success. I hope you enjoy our products and unlock your magical potential.
Ian Thomson
NCCP Triathlon Coach, ACE, CanFit Pro Personal Trainer, and Ultra Distance Cyclist 
I started this journey about 18 years ago when I weighed over 380lbs I felt compelled to make a change upon hearing my father say, "health is like money in the bank: it might not prevent you from getting sick, but when you get ill and need a big withdrawal, it needs to be there." After a lot of research, I finally came up with a system that produces amazing results that last. All the current research says that proper diet and exercise works, but many people do this and still struggle! I developed a system that deals with this challenge by regarding the body in a holistic manner, and not simply focusing on dieting or magic pills. Being overweight is like being a prisoner in your own body. The Neuro Body System will set you free, physically, emotionally, and mentally.